
2 unusual facts about Mike Enzi

Joe Medicine Crow

On July 17, 2008 Senators Max Baucus, Jon Tester, and Mike Enzi introduced a bill to award him the Congressional Gold Medal; however, the bill did not garner the required sponsorship of two-thirds of the Senate to move forward Congressional Gold Medal legislation.

Quill Corp. v. North Dakota

In 2011, Senators Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) introduced a bill that would overrule the decision and compel businesses to collect sales taxes on out-of-state internet, mail order, or telephone sales.

see also

Bicycle commuting

March 2007 - Bicycle Commuters Benefits Act (H.R.807, S.2635), introduced by Senator Ron Wyden (Democrat-OR), and currently co-sponsored by Senators Olympia Snowe (Republican-ME), Maria Cantwell (Democrat-WA), Susan Collins (Republican-ME), Richard Durbin (Democrat-Ill), Robert Menendez (Democrat-NJ), Daniel Inouye (Democrat-HI), Norm Coleman (Republican-MN), and Mike Enzi (Republican-WY).