Though he never materialized into a consistent option for the Marlins, on April 19, 2006, while playing against the Cincinnati Reds in the Great American Ballpark, Abercrombie, facing pitcher Mike Gosling, hit a home run 486 feet, according to Hit Tracker Online's Standard Distance (considered "the best way of comparing home runs hit under a variety of different conditions" by the website).
Mike Tyson | Mike Oldfield | Mike Harris | Mike Nattrass | Mike Leigh | Mike Watt | Ryan Gosling | Mike Mignola | Mike Gordon | Mike | Mike Nichols | Mike Rutherford | Mike Wallace | Mike Stern | Mike Huckabee | Mike Ditka | Mike Figgis | Mike Rowe | Mike Reid | Mike Portnoy | Mike Piazza | Mike Mills | Mike Varney | Mike Mansfield | Mike Easley | Mike Douglas | Mike Wallace (journalist) | Mike Viola | Mike Howlett | Mike Curb |