
unusual facts about Mikkeli


Finnish national road 5

The first part of the road between Lusi and Mikkeli was rebuilt in the 1990s and the 2000s (decade).

Martti Välikangas

Välikangas also designed a number of buildings in the town of Mikkeli: the gate building of the Sports Park (1934), the bus station (1934), Harju Chapel (1937), an extension to the Päämaja School (1937), the Jama Commercial building and civic defence building (1938), and Savings Bank building (1940); and in the county of Savo: the Savonlinna Central Hospital, the Parkumäki Memeorial (1929), and the Koikkala Church in Juva (1959).

Sasha Mäkilä

In April 2012 Sasha Mäkilä was appointed Music Director of St. Michel Strings chamber orchestra in Mikkeli, Finland.

see also