Miklós Horthy | Miklós Zrínyi | Miklós Ajtai | Miklos Rozsa | Miklós Simonovits | Miklós Laczkovich | Miklós Rózsa | Miklós Radnóti | Miklós Perényi | Miklós Jancsó | Miklos Udvardy | Miklós Takács | Miklós Szentkuthy | Miklós Sirokay | Miklós Perczel | Miklós Németh | Miklós Maros | Miklós Horthy, Jr. | Miklos Gaál | Miklós Erdélyi | Miklós Barabás | Gustave Miklos | Emil Haraszti | Béla Miklós |
The Czechoslovakia group exchanged views with and visited Havel and his colleagues in Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia; the Hungary group did the same with György Konrád, Miklos Haraszti and a small group of young peace activists in Hungary; the Poland group the same with Adam Michnik, Jacek Kuron and many younger activists; the East Germany group the same with Bärbel Bohley and others who were later to be the core of Neues Forum.