In 1927 Miklos collaborated with other artists, including Joseph Csaky, Jacques Lipchitz and Louis Marcoussis, on the decoration of Studio House, rue Saint-James, Neuilly, owned by the French fashion designer Jacques Doucet.
Gustave Flaubert | Gustave Eiffel | Gustave Doré | Miklós Horthy | Gustave Courbet | Miklós Zrínyi | Miklós Ajtai | Gustave Kerker | Miklos Rozsa | Miklós Simonovits | Miklós Laczkovich | Gustave De Smet | Miklós Rózsa | Gustave Caillebotte | Quai Gustave-Ador | Miklós Radnóti | Miklós Perényi | Miklós Jancsó | James Gustave Speth | Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière | Henri-Gustave Delvigne | Gustave Reese | Gustave J. Stoeckel | Gustave Choquet | Edmond Gustave Camus | ''The Deluge'' by Gustave Doré | Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte de Pontécoulant | Miklos Udvardy | Miklós Takács | Miklós Szentkuthy |