
4 unusual facts about Mildred Barya

Mildred Barya

She also while at college joined FEMRITE—Uganda Women Writers Association, where she worked closely with Goretti Kyomuhendo, then Program Coordinator, and Violet Barungi, then FEMRITE editor.

In 2006-2007, Barya held a writer's residence fellowship at the Per Sesh Writing Program in Popenguine, Senegal, under the instruction of Ayi Kwei Armah.

In 2002, she studied Editorial Practices and Publishing Management at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.

Land of my Bones, in Helon Habila & Kadija Sesay (eds), Dreams, Miracles & Jazz, South Africa: Picador Africa, 2008 (ISBN 978-1-77010-025-1)

African Writers Trust

African Writers Trust is governed by its Advisory Board, currently (as of 2011) composed of Zakes Mda, Susan Nalugwa Kiguli, Ayeta Anne Wangusa, Helon Habila, Mildred Barya, and Aminatta Forna.

Violet Barungi

These FEMRITE alumni include the Macmillan Writers Prize for Africa winner Glaydah Namukasa, Ugandan Book Trust and Pan-African Literary Forum Award winner Mildred Barya, Africa Region Commonwealth Short Story Competition winner Jackee Budesta Batanda, and Caine Prize nominee Beatrice Lamwaka among others.

see also