
3 unusual facts about Milking the Rhino

Milking the Rhino

Produced by Kartemquin Films and directed by David E. Simpson, Milking the Rhino won numerous awards at multiple international film festivals, including Best Documentary at the Pan African Film Festival and San Luis Obispo International Film Festival.

Milking the Rhino is a 2009 documentary film, produced by Kartemquin Films, that examines the relationship between the indigenous African wildlife, the villagers who live amongst this wildlife and conservationists who look to keep tourism dollars coming in.

The Kenyan section of the movie features interviews with Kinanjui Lesenderia, an Ndorobo Maasai elder at Il Ngwesi in Kenya, Ian Craig, former rancher and founder of the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, James Ole Kinyaga, Senior Host of Kenya’s first community-owned and managed eco-lodge and Helen Gichohi, President of the African Wildlife Foundation.

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