
unusual facts about Milroy

Milroy's disease

This disease is more common in women and an association with the gene FLT4 has been described.

Dutch Sterrett

Charles Hurlbut "Dutch" Sterrett (October 1, 1889, in Milroy, Pennsylvania – December 9, 1965) was a professional baseball player who played 2 seasons for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball.

Glen Michael

Michael also starred in several pantomimes with Jack Milroy and completed many enjoyable runs at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow, the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr and the Edinburgh Kings in various productions and plays.

Jack Milroy

Born in Govanhill, Glasgow and educated at Shawlands Academy, Milroy is noted for his partnership with comedy actor Rikki Fulton, as Francie and Josie.

John C. Lee

He marched under Schenck to the relief of Milroy at McDowell in May, 1862.

Milroy Goes

Milroy Goes was known for his short films, ad film with Australian Cricketer Brett Lee and music videos, one of which was featured on the channel VH1 India.

see also