
unusual facts about Milton Caniff

Northwest African Training Command

The comic strips Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff were partly inspired by Philip Cochran who was a friend of Caniff.

Charles N. Landon

Counted among Landon's most successful students were Carl Barks, Merrill Blosser, Gene Byrnes, Milton Caniff, Jack Cole, Roy Crane, V.T. Hamlin, Ethel Hays, Bill Holman and Chic Young.

Dave Breger

In But That's Unprintable (1955) Breger wrote about newspaper and magazine taboos and illustrated his text with 135 unpublished cartoons by leading cartoonists, including Bo Brown, Milton Caniff, Irwin Caplan, Eric Ericson, Stan Fine, Rube Goldberg, Leo Garel, Don Flowers, Phil Interlandi, Reamer Keller, Fred Lundy, Jack Markow, Charles E. Martin, Fred Neher, Russell Patterson, Mort Walker and George Wolfe.

Gene Ahern

:Knock-offs, such as Associated Press's Mister Gilfeather (which, by the way, was handled at various times by both Al Capp and Milton Caniff, before they hit it big with Li'l Abner and Terry & the Pirates, respectively), began to proliferate.

John R. Ellis

Ellis is currently employed by the Milton Caniff estate to restore to DVDs the thirty-four episodes of the 1958–1959 NBC television adventure series Steve Canyon, starring Dean Fredericks in the title role.

Johnstone and Cushing

Until its dissolution in 1962, the New York City-based company provided ads for such companies as AT&T, General Foods, Nestle, and RC Cola, drawn by artists including Milton Caniff, Albert Dorne, Lou Fine, and Alex Kotsky.

Katherine Collins

It featured interviews with some of cartooning's greatest names, including Milton Caniff, Hal Foster (his last interview), Floyd Gottfredson, Hugo Pratt, Will Eisner, Jules Feiffer, and Russ Manning.

Sydney Jordan

He studied aeronautical engineering at Miles Aircraft's experimental college in Reading, Berkshire, but returned to Dundee and worked as an assistant to comics artist Bill McCail, and learned by studying the work of Alex Raymond, Milton Caniff and Stan Drake.

see also