UA MImizan (Mimizan) (promoted from second division)
Blow designed various properties for Hugh "Bendor" Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of Westminster, including Château de Woolsack, a hunting lodge in Mimizan, France, near Bordeaux.
The legend, told in the breviary of Lescar, printed in 1541, portrays Galactorius fighting the Visigoths at Mimizan at the head of an armed band and seeking help from Clovis.
The hunting lodge Château de Woolsack was built in 1911 for the British Duke of Westminster (the architect was Detmar Blow).
Old Orchard Beach is the twin city of the French seaside resort of Mimizan, as a reminder of Oiseau Canari, the pioneer aircraft crossing of the Atlantic by Assollant, Lefèvre and Lotti in 1929 to Oyambre (Cantabria, Spain).
Mimizan |