The shunts found mainly in small dog breeds such as Shih Tzus, Tibetan Spaniels, Miniature Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers, and in cats such as Persians, British Shorthairs, Himalayans, and mixed breeds are usually extrahepatic (outside the liver), while the shunts found in large dog breeds such as Irish Wolfhounds and Labrador Retrievers tend to be intrahepatic (inside the liver).
Portrait miniature | The Miniature Killer | portrait miniature | Persian miniature | Miniature golf | miniature golf | Miniature Schnauzer | ''The Annunciation'', miniature by Jacquemart de Hesdin from ''Les Petites Heures'' of John, Duke of Berry | Product Miniature Company | Palekh miniature | Miniature UAV#"Wing-store UAV" and Raytheon "SilentEyes" | Miniature park | Miniature for the entry ''etas'' "age" in the ''Omne Bonum | miniature effect | Miniature Card | Light Miniature Aircraft LM-1 |
The facility is named for the pet Miniature Schnauzer of PeopleSoft founder Dave Duffield, who concentrates his philanthropy in the animal welfare world via the private foundation Maddie's Fund.