Prime Minister | Northern Ireland | Indian | Prime Minister of the United Kingdom | Indian Ocean | Prime Minister of Canada | Northern Territory | Indian National Congress | Indian Air Force | Indian Army | Chief Minister | Indian Navy | Prime Minister of Australia | French and Indian War | British Indian Army | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | prime minister | United States Department of Veterans Affairs | International Development Association | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Indian Railways | Indian Territory | Northern Pacific Railway | International Fund for Agricultural Development | Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | Indian people | Kimberley, Northern Cape | African Development Bank | minister |
The agency reports to the Minister for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency who also serves as Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians.
This was never signed; however, Canadian John Munro, at that time Minister for Northern Affairs and Development, and Danish Tom Høyem, at that time Minister for Greenland, agreed, in common interest, to avoid acts that might prejudice future negotiations.
It concluded that the government had acted with humane intentions, and as a result Tom Siddon, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, stated that it would be "inappropriate for the government to apologize" or provide compensation.