
unusual facts about Minister of the Interior

André-Marie Mbida

On January 25, Jean Ramadier was in Paris, where he met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior Ahmadou Ahidjo.

Carl Severing

He was Interior Minister of Prussia from 1920 to 1926, Minister of the Interior from 1928 to 1930 and Interior Minister of Prussia again from 1930 to 1932.

Claude-Emmanuel de Pastoret

In 1795, he managed to cancel the condemnation to death-in-absentia weighing on his friend, the comte de Vaublanc, (who would be the ultra-royalist Minister of the Interior in 1816), because of his involvement in the royalist insurrection of 13 Vendémiaire IV (5 October 1795).

Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council

In September, Naguib was appointed Prime Minister of Egypt and a member of the Royal Regent Council, with Nasser acting in the background as Minister of the Interior.

Elections in the Croatian Democratic Union

Besides the incumbent party leader and former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, four other candidates were running: Milan Kujundžić, former Minister of Health Darko Milinović, former Minister of the Interior Tomislav Karamarko and former Deputy Prime Minister Domagoj Ivan Milošević.

Filippo Antonio Gualterio

-- (Orvieto, 1819 - Rome, 1879), Minister of the Interior of the Italian Kingdom, statesman, historian and descendant of a junior branch of the above cardinal's family.

François de Neufchâteau

In 1797, he became Minister of the Interior, distinguishing himself by his thorough administration.

Italy of the Centre

Its leader is Vincenzo Scotti, former Christian Democratic Minister of the Interior.

Jean Lassalle

On 3 June 2003 Lassalle stood up in the National Assembly during questions to Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy and sang the Occitan anthem Se Canto in protest at an announcement by Sarkozy concerning the housing of 23 gendarmes tasked with guarding the Somport tunnel, which links France with Spain through the Pyrenees.

Ludovico technique

The Ludovico technique is a fictional aversion therapy from the novel A Clockwork Orange administered by a "Dr. Brodsky" with the approval of the UK Minister of the Interior.

Manuel Recabarren

President Aníbal Pinto named him Minister of the Interior, during which time he personally campaigned in the Arauco border to pacify a Mapuche rebellion and founded several forts to support the Malleco border.

Middle-of-the-Road Italy

Most of its members anyway did not follow Follini in that decision and switched to Italy of the Centre, led by former Minister of the Interior Vincenzo Scotti.

Ministère AMER

In 1995, after their song Sacrifice de poulet, which appeared on the soundtrack to the film La Haine, provoked the French Minister of the Interior, Charles Pasqua, to attack the group in court.

Su Chia-chyuan

Currently the Secretary-General of the DPP, Su was formerly a legislator and later Pingtung County Commissioner, and held national posts as Minister of the Interior and Minister of Agriculture.

Ulrika Sundberg

Sundberg had regular meetings with Rehman Malik, Pakistan's Minister of the Interior, when four Muslim Swedes, Mehdi Ghezali, Munir Awad, Safia Benaouda, and her two-year-old child, were captured and faced allegations that they had ties to terrorism.

see also

Alexandre Brongniart

Born in Paris, he was an instructor at the École de Mines (Mining School) in Paris and appointed in 1800 by Napoleon's minister of the interior Lucien Bonaparte director of the revitalized porcelain manufactory at Sèvres.

Alexandru Darida

In 1987, Darida was still being harassed by the Romanian government, so he sought the help of Clelio Darida (no relation), undersecretary of the Minister of the Interior, former Mayor of Rome.


Michèle Alliot-Marie (born 1946), the French Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories

Bertel Haarder

before=Karen Ellemann
Minister of the Interior and Social Affairs
Jakob Axel Nielsen
Minister of Health|

Dennis Byron

He currently presides over the multi-accused Karemera, et al. trial, also known as Government I, involving Édouard Karemera, former Minister of the Interior of Rwanda, and Matthieu Ngirumpatse, former President of the MRND.

Djiboutian parliamentary election, 2008

Yacin Elmi Bouh, the Minister of the Interior, announced on 9 February that the UMP had won all 65 seats and placed turnout at 72.61%, which he said was the highest in 15 years.

Federal Minister for Special Affairs of Germany

Günther Krause (CDU), 1990-1991, last East German minister of the Interior

Felix Kulov

Between 1978 and 1998 he held various posts in the Kyrgyz government, including Minister of the Interior, Minister for National Security and Governor of Chuy Province.

Francisco Barrio

On February 24, 2005, he expressed interest in becoming the PAN presidential candidate and campaigned for a few months before quitting on July 7, arguing partisan favoritism towards the former minister of the interior, Santiago Creel.

Fujiwara no Michimasa

His father, Fujiwara no Korechika, was promoted to Minister of the Interior (Naidaijin) the following year, but following an incident in which an arrow was shot at Emperor Kazan, he was demoted to the post of governor of Dazai.

Gatineau Park

On December 3, 1913, Dominion Parks Commissioner James B. Harkin wrote to Deputy Minister of the Interior William Cory, arguing for the creation of a nation-wide system of parks, the first of which was to be Gatineau Park.

Grand Sanhedrin

Its presiding officers, appointed by the minister of the interior, were: Joseph David Sinzheim, rabbi of Strasbourg (president); Joshua Benzion Segre, rabbi, and member of the municipal council of Vercelli (first vice-president); Abraham de Cologna, rabbi of Mantua (second vice-president).

Indiani Metropolitani

The Minister of The Interior Francesco Cossiga banned all demonstrations in Rome, but the ban was broken by the Radical Party and their demonstration ended in serious clashes between Autonomists and police for a whole day on March 12 and a high school student, Giorgiana Masi, was killed.

István Rakovszky

He criticized the government heavily: he had a duel with Minister of the Interior Vilmos Pál Tomcsányi and had lot of conflicts with Minister of Religion and Education József Vass.

March for Equality and Against Racism

In 1983, the Socialist Prime Minister of France Pierre Mauroy, the Minister of the Interior Gaston Defferre, and the Minister of Labour Jean Auroux said about the strikers of the CGT's syndicate from the factory of Renault-Billancourt, that they are mainly "immigrants workers", and accused them of being manipulated by "integrists".

Musée des Augustins

The Musée des Augustins de Toulouse was one of fifteen museums founded in provincial centres, by a decree of 13 Fructidor year IX (31 August 1801), which was promulgated by the minister of the interior, Jean-Antoine Chaptal.

Ousmane Ngom

In the government of Prime Minister Cheikh Hadjibou Soumaré, named on June 19, 2007, Ousmane remained Minister of the Interior and was promoted to the rank of Minister of State.

Outward Bound Singapore

Initially named the Outward Bound School of Singapore (OBSS), it was founded by then Minister of the Interior and Defence and Deputy Chairman of the People's Association, Goh Keng Swee in 1967.

Peter Jambrek

Between June and November 2000, he served as Minister of the Interior in the short-lived centre right government of Andrej Bajuk.

Prison de l'Abbaye

Madame Roland, wife of the Girondin Minister of the Interior Jean-Marie Roland, was interned here on her first arrest in 1793 before being transferred to Sainte Pélagie.

Ronald Dauphin

Other La Scierie defendants were former Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and former Minister of the Interior Jocelerme Privert.

Saturnino Laspiur

Saturnino María Laspiur, (1829 - 1885), an Argentine lawyer and politician who served as Minister of the Interior

Segismundo Moret

After the tragic events of the "Tragic Week" in 1909 in Barcelona he was again appointed prime minister after the resignation of Antonio Maura while he was also Minister of the Interior.

Stane Dolanc

In May 1982 Dolanc became the Secretary (Minister) of the Interior in the new Yugoslav government led by Milka Planinc.