During the first months of 2008, he served as a mediator between the government and Patricia Troncoso, a pro-Mapuche political prisoner who held a hunger strike for 112 days.
'Consuelo Luz' is a Chilean-Cuban singer of Sephardic, Mapuche and Basque origins.
The Mapuche Indians of Southern Chile consider it a sacred plant.
He also condemned the game known as palín or chueca, a form of field hockey of Mapuche origin, as well as the thick winter clothes worn by some clerics during cold weather, and the use of the sacramental bread by some people as a sealing wax on letters.
On February 5, 1558, during the Arauco War, Pedro de Avendaño with sixty men captured the Mapuche Caupolicán lonco of Pilmaiquén and the Mapuche Gran Toqui nearby Antihuala encamped with a small band of followers.
In 1872 Cufulcurá and his 6,000 followers went across the pampas to attack the cities of General Alvear, Veinticinco de Mayo and Nueve de Julio, resulting in the deaths of 300 settlers and the loss of 200,000 head of cattle, which the Mapuche drove back to Chile.
The genus name, like that of Araucaria, is derived from the Spanish exonym Araucanos ("from Arauco"), referring to the Mapuche people of Chile and Argentina who live in the surviving forests of Araucaria today.
The Boroanos, Borogas o Boroganos (also spelled with v) where a group of Mapuches native to the aillarehue of Boroa in Araucanía that got involved in several conflicts in the northern Patagonian pampas supporting figures such as José Miguel Carrera, the Pincheira brothers and Manuel Rosas.
Chilota mythology flourished, isolated from other beliefs and myths in Chile, due to the separation of the archipelago from the rest of the Spanish occupation in Chile, when the Mapuches occupied or destroyed by all the Spanish settlements between the Bío-Bío River and the Chacao channel following the disaster of Curalaba in 1598.
The word was used by the Mapuche people to refer to the bunchgrass Vulpia octoflora.
There are Amerindian groups like the Tobas, Aymaras, Guaraníes and Mapuches among others that still maintain their cultural roots, but under continuous pressure for religious and idiomatic integration.
Native Argentines on the other hand have significant populations in the country's North-West (Quechua, Diaguita, Kolla, Aymara); in the North-East (Guaraní, Mocoví, Toba, Wichí); and in the Patagonia or South (Mapuche, Tehuelche).
Cultrun, a "Mapuche drum": This is a hemispherical percussion instruments for ceremonial use and social on your surface, representing the Earth's surface, are drawn the Meli Witran Mapu (the four cardinal points) and including the sun, moon and stars.
It is maintain by the local Mapuche community and is a perfect spot to observe native woods of Luma apiculata, or Chilean myrtle, and Persea lingue.
Malón or maloca a military raiding tactic of the Mapuche peoples
President Aníbal Pinto named him Minister of the Interior, during which time he personally campaigned in the Arauco border to pacify a Mapuche rebellion and founded several forts to support the Malleco border.
These speaker live south of the Mapuche in Chile's Valdivian Coastal Range, Osorno Province and on Chiloé Island.
Introducción a la lengua mapuche, con notas comparativas y un CD, by Fernando Zúñiga, Santiago: Centro de Estudios Públicos, 2006.
Probably the toqui of the Arauco region, he commanded the Mapuche army of that area at the siege of Arauco from May 20 to June 30, 1562.
Nirivilo (in Mapudungun: fox snake, a creature in the Mapuche mythology of Chile) is a hamlet (caserío) in San Javier commune, in the Chilean province of Linares, Maule Region.
Colonel Cornelio Saavedra Rodríguez promised a reward for his head but the Mapuche decided to defend their unusual ally.
Pelantaro or Pelantarú (from the Mapuche pelontraru or "Shining Caracara") was one of the vice toquis of Paillamachu, the toqui or military leader of the Mapuche people during the Mapuche uprising in 1598.
On the Pacific coast, different cultures and peoples coexisted: the Aymara, Chango, Chinchorro, Atacama, Diaguita in the north: the Picunche, Mapuche, Huilliche, Chono in the Central and Southern region; and the Ona, Yagan and Alakaluf in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.
With the recent news of the defeat of the Mapuche toqui Illangulién at the Battle of Angol, they were also nervous that their undefended homes might be attacked from Angol or Santiago.