tourism | Industry | Commerce | Chamber of Commerce | industry | Tourism | Air Ministry | Recording Industry Association of America | Australian Recording Industry Association | Ministry of Education | International Chamber of Commerce | Bachelor of Commerce | commerce | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | United States Department of Commerce | Ministry of Transport | Chamber of commerce | Ministry of Sound | e-commerce | United States Chamber of Commerce | United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Ministry of Supply | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority | Christian ministry | Pulp and paper industry | Chemical industry | pharmaceutical industry | Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry | Ministry of Railways | List of Air Ministry specifications |
He served for a number of years at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (Department of Industry), at the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance as Supervisor of the Reactivation Service for Refugees, and at the Department of Labour as the responsible Officer in charge for the Employment of Foreign Workers in Cyprus.
Luis Guillermo Plata Páez is a Colombian Business Administrator who served as Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia from 2007 to 2010 and before as President of Proexport from 2002 to 2007, both during the administration of president Álvaro Uribe Vélez.
In 1934, under the Hiranuma administration, Hatta was asked to serve as both Minister of Commerce and as Minister of Colonial Affairs.