
3 unusual facts about Minnie Vautrin

City of Life and Death

After Minnie Vautrin and other Westerners plead with the Japanese, Ida permits each refugee to choose only one man from the trucks to be saved.

Don't Cry, Nanking

Among historical characters such as John Rabe and Minnie Vautrin (whose names have been curiously changed to John Robbins and Whitney Craft in the English translation), the film also features an out-of-context excerpt of the infamous Contest to kill 100 people using a sword between Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyochi Noda.

Robert O. Wilson

During the Nanjing Massacre, Wilson was the sole surgeon responsible for treating the victims of the ongoing atrocities (although several nurses were still available) and, along with John Rabe and Minnie Vautrin, was instrumental in the establishment of the Nanjing Safety Zone, which sheltered more than 200,000 people within its confined walls.

see also