
3 unusual facts about Mir EP-3

Mir EP-3

It was decided by the Glavcosmos chairman that the Afghan's spaceflight would be moved earlier than originally planned, so that it would occur before the Soviet military completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The first was launched and landed with the spacecraft Soyuz 32, and lasted for 175 days; it was the third long-duration expedition on the space station Salyut 6, called Salyut 6 EO-3.

The crew of EP-3, also known as the Soyuz TM-6 crew, consisted of Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Lyakhov as commander, and the first Afghan to visit space, Abdul Ahad Mohmand.

Mir EO-3

Also on TM-6 was the two person crew of the visiting expedition Mir EP-3, consisting of the commander Vladimir Lyakhov, as well as the first Afghan cosmonaut Abdul Ahad Mohmand.

see also