
unusual facts about Miracles

A Scarcity of Miracles

A Scarcity of Miracles was released with the subtitle of "A King Crimson ProjeKct".

Abraham Kovoor

The challenge listed 23 miracles or feats that godmen (and Western mystics and performers such as Uri Geller and Jeane Dixon) were claimed to perform, such as reading the serial numbers from currency in sealed envelopes, materializing objects, predicting future events, converting liquids from one kind to another, and walking on water.

All-Star Miracle Home

Founded in 1993 in Phoenix, Arizona, the Home of Miracles, now known as the All-Star Miracle Home, is a nationally recognized home giveaway program sponsored by Meritage Homes Corporation.

Allisyn Ashley Arm

She would go on to make appearances in episodes of Friends, 10-8, Miracles, and Judging Amy.

Amatus of Montecassino

Amatus describes the Norman sieges of Bari and Salerno, the conquest of Sicily, and the career of Robert Guiscard, as well as the Gregorian Reforms seen from the papal point-of-view, interspersed with reports of miracles and prophecies.

Argument from inconsistent revelations

In some forms of Pantheism (where God is the Universe) and in Pandeism (where God has become the Universe), the appearance of many inconsistent divine revelations or miracles might simply result unintentionally from the divine nature of the Universe itself.

Bhagawan Nityananda

There, his reputation as a miracle worker attracted people from as far away as Mumbai, though he never took credit for any miracles.

Bobby Rogers

Bobby was also reputed to be the group's best dancer, and was responsible for many of the Miracles' onstage routines,until the arrival of famed Motown choreographer Cholly Atkins.


Similar incidents are often described in mediaeval biographies such as those of Carannog, Padern and Goeznovius: miracles in dealings with temporal authority bolster the case for church freedom.

Chanukah Suite

Al hanisim is a paragraph from the Jewish prayer service (Amidah) added during the post-Biblical Festivals of Chanukah and Purim in which we thank God for Miracles.

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals

In addition, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and many of its member hospitals hold an annual telethon every first weekend in June known nationally as A Celebration of Real Miracles, hosted by Osmond and Schneider, with local cut-ins.

Cura te ipsum

The first textual reference to this proverb was citing Jesus in the Gospel of Luke chapter 4:23 in the context that Jesus expected to hear the proverb said to him in Nazareth, where "the people there would expect him to work miracles in his hometown as he had in other places".

David Alan Johnson

In his first book, Hume, Holism, and Miracles, Johnson purports to have refuted David Hume's popular argument for the irrationality of belief in testimony of miracles (as can be found in his essay entitled "Of Miracles") as well as several reconstructions of Hume's argument (most notably that of Bayesian philosopher Jordan Howard Sobel).

Device – Voice – Drum

The DVD includes a short Animusic animation of a portion of "Miracles Out of Nowhere."

Edward Waddington

In 1730 he entered into a controversy with Nathaniel Lardner on the prosecution of Thomas Woolston for writing against the reality of Christ's miracles.

Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus

It is believed that after performing many miracles in the area of Valence, and through their preaching many people were converted.

Gaetano Catanoso

The book was published in paperback by Harper Perennial in 2009 with the revised subtitle "A Story of Love, Miracles, and an Italian Family Reunited."

Germaine Cousin

The miracles attested were cures of every kind (of blindness, congenital and resulting from disease, of hip and spinal disease), besides the multiplication of food for the distressed community of the Good Shepherd at Bourges in 1845.

Giovanni Anastasi

He also painted the Miracles of St Phillip (1861) for church of san Filippo in Ostra.

Giovanni Angelo Canini

In 1666, he painted a small gouache scenes with the Miracles of Francis de Sales for the church of villa Versailles at Formello.

Going to a Go-Go

"A Fork in the Road" was a strong regional hit in several areas of the country and was regularly performed as part of the Miracles' live show.

Henry Dodwell

His eldest son Henry Dodwell the younger (d. 1784) was the author of a pamphlet entitled Christianity not founded on Argument, to which a reply was published by his brother William Dodwell (1709–1785), who was concurrently engaged in a controversy with Conyers Middleton on the subject of miracles.

Historia Caroli Magni

(During this war, several miracles occur, including flowers sprouting from the lances of the knights.) A third war has Argolant invading south-western France and sieging the city of Agen, but he is forced to retreat to Pamplona.

I Don't Blame You at All

This song has inspired a cover version by Rosetta Hightower, and appears on many Miracles' "Greatest Hits" album and CD compilations.

I Second That Emotion

Episode 2 of the 2004 BBC miniseries Blackpool featured the Miracles version, accompanied onscreen by the characters singing and dancing, as part of the story.

Jan Baptist van Helmont

Although a faithful Catholic, he incurred the suspicion of the Church by his tract De magnetica vulnerum curatione (1621), against Jean Roberti, which was thought to derogate from some of the miracles.

Jesus the Magician

It was previously voiced by the philosopher and critic Celsus (The True Word c. 200 CE) as we know from the rebuttal authored by the Christian apologist/scholar Origen: “It was by magic that he was able to do the miracles” (Contra Celsum 1.6).

Judith McNaught

#"Miracles" in A Holiday of Love (1995/Oct) (with Jill Barnett, Jude Deveraux, Arnette Lamb) & in Simple Gifts (1997) (with Jude Deveraux)

Life-giving Spring

The Pühtitsa Convent is located on a site where, according to a 16th-century legend, near the local village of Kuremäe, a shepherd witnessed a divine revelation of the Theotokos near a spring of water that is to this day venerated as holy and is famous for many miracles and healings.


Every year, 40 days after Easter, pilgrims come from all over Argentina to worship the Lord of Miracles


Traditions recounted by Baring-Gould state that on the death of Amand, he was compelled by the local population to become the next Bishop, accepting the role with great reluctance; that he performed many miracles and put an end to heathen practices; and that following his death at La Vilaine, his body was placed on a boat which then returned to Rennes against the current without the assistance of rowers or sails.

Ordinary Miracles

Ordinary Miracles is a 2005 television film directed by Michael Switzer.

Reichenau Island

The famous artworks of Reichenau include the Ottonian murals of miracles of Christ in St Georg, unique survivals from the 10th century.

Richard Dowden

Richard Dowden is author of the book, “Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles” (Portobello Books, 2008), with foreword from the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe.

Robert Perry

Robert Thompson Perry (born 1960), author and teacher of A Course in Miracles

Rogation days

In Montier-en-Der, Rogation Day processions were said to be events where miracles occurred.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Udupi

The The diocese contains 46 parishes, and the parish church of Church of Our Lady of Miracles, also known as Milagres Church, at Kallianpur in Udupi district, is the Cathedral church of the dioecese.

Ronald White

White helped Robinson compose several hit singles including The Miracles' "My Girl Has Gone" and "A Fork in the Road" and is known as the co-writer and co-producer of The Temptations' signature song, "My Girl" and also co-wrote the same group's "Don't Look Back".

Saint Gens

Many miracles are attributed to his intervention, and his veneration is approved by the Catholic Church.

Saint-Sylvestre, Quebec

The priest of Saint-Sylvestre, Reverend Edmond Pelletier, preached against these "miracles" and in 1949, Archbishop Maurice Roy, in the name of the Archdiocese of Quebec, ruled the affair as a hoax.

Shāh Khalīlullāh III

Scottish traveller and author James Baillie Fraser described the Imam as “a person of high respectability and great influence”, while French linguist and orientalist Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy quoted a description of the Imam as “This person, whom his people grace with the pompous title of caliph, enjoys a great reputation and is considered to have the gift of performing miracles”.

St Sidwells

St Sidwells also has its own saint -- Sidwell, or Sativola, a devout young Saxon girl who was beheaded by her father’s farm labourers in field soutside the East gate at a site where a spring was struck and miracles began to occur (Evidence Base).

Statue of Our Lady of Miracles, Jaffna patao

From 1614 to 1658 when the statue was in Jaffna, the devotees daily praised Our Lady of Miracles, singing the hymns with versicle and oration the "O Gloriosa Domina" in the morning, " Ave Maris Stella " in the afternoon and at night chanting Litanies beginning with the verse "Tota Pulchra es Maria".

The Dew Breaker

The Book of Miracles: Narrated by Ka's mother, The Book of Miracles chronicles the family's car trip through NYC to get to Christmas-Eve mass and their run-in with a lookalike of Haitian criminal Emmanuel Constant.

The Miracles – Depend On Me: The Early Albums

The Miracles – Depend On Me: The Early Albums is a 2009 double-CD limited release by Motown Records' original vocal group The Miracles, released through Universal's Hip-O Select imprint to coincide with the legendary Motown label's 50th anniversary.In addition, this collection's release also coincided with The Miracles' being honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on March 20 of that year.

The Third Miracle

In Chicago, in 1979, Father Frank Shore (Ed Harris) is a priest, now a Postulator, who investigates claims of miracles for the Vatican performed by a devout woman whose death caused a statue of the Virgin Mary to bleed upon and cure a girl with terminal lupus.

William of Æbelholt

Numerous miracles were reported at his grave, and in 1218 Archbishop Anders Sunesen of Lund requested that Pope Honorius III appoint a local commission to investigate the claims for William's sanctity.

Zack Estrin

He has produced many episodes in the television series Prison Break, Point Pleasant, Tru Calling, Miracles and Charmed, as well as the 2000 film Stranger Than Fiction.

see also