
unusual facts about Miroku


Japanese for "Maitreya Buddha": as prophesied by the Buddha before entering nirvana.


Miroku Corp. | Miroku |

Browning Auto-5

However, the majority of production moved to the Japanese company Miroku in 1975.

Butsu Zone

Miroku is said to appear on Earth at a time when the Dharma is no longer taught and is completely forgotten, achieve complete enlightenment and then re-teach the pure dharma, becoming a successor of Śākyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.


Within the Kondo and Hondo (the Main Hall and Buddha Hall) of Mii-dera, there are at least six statues of the Buddha, sacred personal possessions of various Emperors, including Emperor Tenji, which are hidden away and shown only on rare, special occasions, as well as one large statue of the Miroku, or Maitreya, Buddha in the center of the Hall.

see also