
3 unusual facts about Misericordia

Bernardo Rossellino

In 1433, Bernardo is recorded as being in Arezzo, employed by the Fraternita di Santa Maria della Misericordia to complete the facade of the Misericordia's headquarters.

Confraternity of penitents

The chief confraternity in this group is the Archconfraternity of the Misericordia, or of the Beheading of St. John, founded in 1488 to assist and console criminals condemned to death, accompany them to the gallows, and provide for them religious services and Christian burial.

Misericordia Community Hospital

The Misericordia is home to the Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine (iRSM), a facility for reconstruction of the face, head and neck.

Agostino De Fondulis

His other works include statues of the Apostles for the dome of Santa Maria presso San Celso (1502), the Palazzo Landi in Piacenza, the Sanctuary of the Misericordia in Castelleone (1513) and the church of Mary Magdalene in Crema.

Alger of Liège

#De Misericordia et Justitia (On Mercy and Justice), a collection of biblical extracts and sayings of Church Fathers with commentary (an important work for the history of church law and discipline), which is to be found in the Anecdota of Martène, vol.


After negotiations with Charles Borromeo, the Archbishop of Milan and representatives of Pope Gregory XIII, it was decided to sell the originally planned Casa Papio and to build the Collegio Papio college next to the Church of S. Maria della Misericordia.

Cesare Bomboni

He is buried in the Monumental Cemetery of the Misericordia in Antella, which he helped design.

Ríos de Misericordia

Ríos de Misericordia ("Rivers of Mercy"), also known as Niños Ríos de Misericordia ("Rivers of Mercy Children") is a Mexican Christian musical group composed of eight children from the children's shelter of the same name in Zacango, Acolman Municipality, State of Mexico.

see also