
unusual facts about Mission statement

3rd Intelligence Battalion

The battalion's mission is to plan and direct, collect, process, produce and disseminate intelligence, and provide counterintelligence support to the III MEF command element, the MEF major subordinate commands, subordinate Marine Air-Ground Task Forces (MAGTF), and other commands as directed.

Office of Economic Opportunity

The key OEO institution was the community action program (CAP), bestowed with the unusually energetic congressional mission statement of “a program which mobilizes and utilizes resources... in an attack on poverty.”

see also

Andreas Kiefer

At municipal level Andreas Kiefer served as chairman and member of municipal electoral committees for municipal, regional, federal and European elections and initiated a citizens' participation project to integrate new residents and to create a municipal mission statement in the municipality of Kuchl in Salzburg.

Center for Competitive Politics

The CCP's mission statement is "through legal briefs, studies, historical and constitutional analyses, and media communication, to educate the public on the actual effects of money in politics, and the results of a more free and competitive electoral process." It was founded in 2005 by former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley A. Smith and Stephen M. Hoersting, formerly an aide to Smith and later General Counsel at the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation

The mission statement of the foundation is to leverage overseas Fudan Fuzhong alumni network and the broader philanthropic community; to support financially deprived students and other education related programs at Fudan Fuzhong. As of 2011, the working committee of the Foundation consists of 14 alumni based in New York, New Jersey, Minnesota and Shanghai, China, all on volunteer basis, from class of 1979 to 2007.

Jornal Tribuna de Macau

The JTM is affiliated with the Portuguese newspaper "Diário de Notícias," and says in its mission statement that its aim is to encourage the use of Portuguese and help Macau maintain ties with Portugal and the rest of the Portuguese-speaking world.


The journal’s mission statement also argues that new scholarly intermediaries are needed now that major journals such as the Harvard Law Review and the Yale Law Journal no longer function as “gatekeepers of legitimacy”.

Multinational Division Central-South

According to mission statement the primary task of the MND CS was to oversee the transfer of the military and security in the areas under its control to the provisional Iraqi authorities.

National Security Network

Characterizing itself as "progressive," the NSN's mission statement asserts the group aims to "build a strong progressive national security and counter conservative spin."

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority

Under the supervision of the Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation, the Authority's mission statement is to "construct, operate, and maintain a safe and economical turnpike system for the convenience of customers".