Portrayed by Kaoru Yumi, Ogin was the lead character in a light-hearted spinoff, Mito Kōmon Gaiden Kagerō Ninpō-chō.
Since its inception, the program has been a mainstay of the Panasonic Drama Theater (formerly known as the National Theater), sponsored by Panasonic.
Eijiro Tono, a well-known actor starring as Mito Kōmon in a show of the same name, was from Tomioka.
Mito | Mito, Ibaraki | Mito Kōmon | Mito HollyHock | mito | Alfa Romeo MiTo |
He has appeared in many television shows, including regular appearances on long-running series such as Mito Kōmon, Ōoka Echizen, the Hissatsu series, and Abarenbo Shogun.