It tells the personal story of the director as his ancestral house gets dismantled in a remote village called Miyar in Karkala Taluk in Udupi district in Karnataka, South India.
After having reached a saturation from doing excessive content for television in the city of Mumbai, the filmmaker and his film school friend Ajay Raina set off 1000 kilometers south to his parents' house in Udupi and then to Miyar.
The filmmaker's extended family members too are prominent characters in the film as they remember the days and times when they used to visit Miyar.
Antique collector Vijayanath Shenoy's Heritage Village in Manipal, where the MiyarHouse was to be finally built also features in the last part of the film.
The film follows him as he makes his journey and as he convinces his father, uncle and aunt to make one last visit to Miyar, as the house gets dismantled.
Miyar |