
2 unusual facts about Mnemosyne

Kauffmann Memorial

This woman represents "Memory," and the bronze panels (15 in. x 26 in.) depicts scenes from Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Men," from As You Like It.


In Hesiod's Theogony, kings and poets receive their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne and their special relationship with the Muses.


Mnemosyne |

Hans Zender

Music included denn wiederkommen (Hölderlin lesen III) for string quartet and speaking voice (1991) and Mnemosyne (Hölderlin lesen IV) for female voice, string quartet, and tape (2000), performed by Salome Kammer and the Athena Quartet.

Parnassius Guccinii

The title is a reference to a butterfly subspecies discovered in 1992 by an Italian entomologist, which was named Parnassius mnemosyne guccinii after the singer-songwriter.

Richard Semon

Semon's book Die Mneme directly influenced the Mnemosyne project of the idiosyncratic art historian Aby Warburg.

see also