
unusual facts about Mobilization


Mobilization, the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war

Albert Goldsmid

At the departure of the Aldershot staff with Sir Redvers Buller in the conflict with the Boers in 1899, he acted as chief staff-officer at the camp at Aldershot, and was entrusted with the duties of mobilization.

Ambidextrous organization

Noting that ambidextrous organizations require significant amounts of mobilization, coordination, and integration activities to maintain both exploitation and exploration, informal and social integration of the senior team as well as the cross-functional interfaces of the formal organization contribute to the success of organizational ambidexterity significantly (Jansen, Tempelaar, van den Bosch, & Volberda, 2009).

Arkansas National Guard and World War II

Many of these units had completed their post mobilization training and been shipped to duty at various stations several months before the United States officially declared war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Banyuwangi Regency

Ijen Crater Nature Tourist Park, we can see tosca lake crater and traditional sulphur mining which the sulphur bunch mobilization still use human to hike and down to the crater.

Campaign for Democratic Socialism

As a result of the massive Bevanite grassroots mobilization against Gaitskell, the CDS was established in October 1960 by a group of Labour politicians and supporters, among the most prominent of which were Bill Rodgers, Dick Taverne, Anthony Crosland, Douglas Jay, Roy Jenkins.

Charles Erwin Wilson

Charles Erwin Wilson should not be confused with the Charles E. Wilson who was the CEO of General Electric and served President Truman as the head of the Office of Defense Mobilization.

Ed Esber

After Esber’s pioneering work in Personal Computer Software, Esber has been on the leading edge of the integration of computers and multimedia at Creative Labs, the integration of computers, toys and learning at Creative Insights, the integration of computers, communication and telephony at SoloPoint; the mobilization of email and internet access at Poqet Computer, portability of Personal Computers at Poqet Computer and tablet computing at Motion Computing.

Ethnic minorities in the US armed forces during World War II

Another special problem of great importance in Selective Service operations was the mobilization of Negro registrants and other minority groups of this nature.

Feminism and technology

Networked feminism, the online mobilization and coordination of feminists in response to sexist acts

Gogebic Community College

Steven E. Day, Coast Guard Rear Admiral (Lower Half) currently serving as Deputy Commander for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs, Coast Guard Atlantic Area.

Greece during World War I

When Bulgaria began mobilization against Serbia, Greek Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos believed that based on the treaty, he could get Greece to join the war on the Allied side if the Allies landed 150,000 troops in Salonika.

History of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 4 April, Alija Izetbegović ordered general mobilization: and on 8 April he transformed the Sarajevo TO command into GHQ of the Teritorijalna Odbrana Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (Territorial Defence Force of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina) (TORBIH), appointing the Bosnian-Muslim Colonel Hasan Efendić as commander of the army, Colonel Stjepan Šiber, a Bosnian-Croat, became chief-of-staff, and Colonel Jovan Divjak, a Bosnian-Serb, his deputy.

International Rectal Microbicide Advocates

The International Rectal Microbicide Advocates was formed in 2005 through a collaboration between the Canadian AIDS Society, the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, and the Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (which disbanded in 2011).

Jack Ramsaur II

Major General Jack W. Ramsaur II (born c. 1952) is the mobilization assistant to the commander, United States Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

Johanna Enlists

The film was directed by William Desmond Taylor from a short story by Rupert Hughes, The Mobilization of Johanna.

Konstantin Zhostov

When the general mobilization prior the First Balkan War was declared in September 1912 Konstantin Zhostov was appointed Chief of Staff of the 3rd Army and as such was at the heart of the Bulgarian victories at Lozengrad and Lüleburgaz.

National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance

Among the largest and most significant of NCNR's acts of civil resistance was the September 26, 2005 action at the White House sidewalk, with Cindy Sheehan, following a major anti-war mobilization.

Naval Base Ventura County

NBVC provides the Pacific Fleet with an all-in-one mobilization site, deep water port, railhead, and airfield.

Night of the Ducks

For example, Soviet media claimed that the mobilization was possibly "to divert the workers' attention and to allow the government to insert into the defense clause of the budget 420 million Lirot, more than the previous year".

Otto Ruge

Partially in contrast to what Terje Holm as well as Torkel Hovland claim, military historian Tom Kristensen emphasizes that even though Otto Ruge participated in the downsizing of the Norwegian Army during the early 1930s, he also warned against the renewed threat after 1935 and pointed to the weakness of the Norwegian mobilization system.

Prince Eze Madumere

During the 1998 gubernatorial elections in Nigeria, Madumere went back to Nigeria and served as Director for Women and Youth Mobilization for Owelle Rochas Okorocha's campaign in Imo State under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

Rotem Crisis

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion refused the IDF's request for a massive mobilization of reserves, but authorized the call-up of 7,000 men, the minimum required to maintain a heightened state of alert for a prolonged amount of time.

Sagay, Negros Occidental

On July 26, 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States of America ordered a national mobilization in the Philippines and on August 23, 1942, the first group of reservist in Negros were called on duty by virtue of Philippine Army HQ order of August 4 and they were trained here.

Shalva Maglakelidze

He did not give up his efforts for Georgian émigré mobilization for which purpose he founded, in January 1954, the Munich-based Union of Georgian Soldiers Abroad.

Stephen Day

Rear Admiral Steven E. Day, US Deputy Commander for Mobilization and Reserve Affairs Atlantic Area US Coast Guard

The School of Missions Mobilization

The School of Missions Mobilization, also known as El Instituto de Movilización Misionera is located in Matachi, Chihuahua, Mexico.

United States Army Reserve

The Army of the United States is the official name for the conscripted force of the Army that may be raised at the discretion of the United States Congress, often at time of war or mobilization for war.

Wild 7

In the wake of rising criminality and terrorist activities in Japan against Japanese nationals, the Japanese National Police Agency has no choice but to authorize the mobilization of a special Counter-terrorist Motorcycle unit consisting of reformed convicts, ranging from simple thugs, individuals forced into prison for simple petty trouble and former Yakuza henchmen and leaders to combat armed criminals and terrorists.

William Rawls

During the shutdown of Hamsterdam, Rawls personally orders the mobilization of the Quick Response Team (QRT) and drives into the thick of it with his car radio playing Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.

World Development Information Day

On May 17, 1972, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) proposed measures for information dissemination and for the mobilization of public opinion relative to trade and development problems.

see also