During the Ganesh worship ceremony, known in India as Ganesh Chaturthi the puja always concludes with an offering of twentyone modaks to the deity and as prasad.
Some surnames are specific only to Ghotis and Edeshis, like Ghosh,Adak, Adhikary, Bagui, Bhaduri,Bor or Bar, Daffadar, Dandapat,Dolui, De, Dey, Gorai, Guin, Chowdhury, Hazra, Hela, Jana, Karan, Karak, Karmakar, Kundu, Laha, Mahapatra, Maity, Middye, Modak, Nag, Nandi, Naskar, Nayak, Neogi, Paik, Pain, Pal, Panja, Patra, Sadhu, Sadhukhan, Samanta, Sardar, Sapui, Sasmal, Sett, She-al, Sinha, Tarafder, Topdar, Mihiracharyaa etc.