
unusual facts about Moesia


As a frontier province, Moesia was strengthened by stations and fortresses erected along the southern bank of the Danube, and a wall was built from Axiopolis to Tomi as a protection against the Scythians and Sarmatians.


Maximus of Moesia, the governor of Moesia under Emperor Valens, approached the lands of the Albocense prior to the Gothic Wars.

Constantius II

The same year, he forced Sarmatian and Quadi invaders out of Pannonia and Moesia Inferior, then led a successful counter-attack across the Danube.

Roman governors of Lower Moesia

This is a list of Roman governors of Lower Moesia (Moesia Inferior), in the modern states of Bulgaria and Romania (Dobruja).


It became one of the primary settlements of Moesia, situated between Sirmium (modern Sremska Mitrovica) and Viminacium (modern Kostolac), both of which overshadowed Singidunum in significance, and just across the Sava River from Taurunum (modern Zemun) in Pannonia.

see also