Anand Krishna was born on November 12, 1925 into a family of Varanasithat traced its lineage to Patani Mall whose forebears served as Diwans to Moghul courts and British East India Company.
Alamparai Fort - is the ruins of an old Moghul fort which was destroyed by the British in the 1700s.
Bishop de Castro was held in great esteem at the courts of the Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan and other rulers of India, including those of the Kingdom of Bijapur who belonged to the Adil Shahi dynasty, which ruled Goa prior to the Portuguese.
He has even employed former Bollywood actresses like Kalpana Iyer & Sonika Gill as managers in his popular restaurant "The Moghul Room".
Since 2007, Sihem Habchi has not ceased to defend women victims of obscurantism throughout the world: she has met with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Naeema Moghul, Nawal Saadawi, Taslima Nasrin, and many others.
The Khojas were divided into two hostile groups that hated and killed each other - the ak taghliks (White Mountaineers) and the kara taghliks (Black Mountaineers), who deposed one of the last moghul khans, Ismail Khan, in 1678, with the help of invited Kalmyks (Dzungars), and put the whole country under the foot of future invaders, including Dzungars and Qings (Manchus), for gaining personal powers.