
unusual facts about Mohammad Najibullah

Mohammad Najibullah

He was educated at Habibia High School in Kabul, St. Joseph's School in Baramulla Kashmir, and Kabul University, where he graduated with a doctor degree in medicine in 1975.

Abdul Momim

During the Civil war in Afghanistan, General Abdul Momim or Abdul Mumin(?-January 5, 1994), was an ethnic Tajik officer who played a crucial role in the downfall of the government of Mohammad Najibullah.

Abdul Qadir Dagarwal

As part of the changes in the leadership of the country, he resigned from the Politburo in November 1985, a year later was appointed Ambassador to Warsaw, Poland by President Mohammad Najibullah.

Afghans in Tajikistan

However, during the 1990s, few Afghan refugees chose Tajikistan as their destination; most were people associated with Mohammad Najibullah's fallen Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Afghanistan administrations.

see also