
unusual facts about Mohammed Abdullah Hassan

Abdi Sheik Abdi

:A book about Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, the Dervish leader who spearheaded the Somali resistance to British colonial interests in the early twentieth century; known by his followers as the Sayyid ("Master") and in the colonial literature as the "Mad Mullah".

Dul Madoba

The battle took place on 9 August 1913 between the 110 members of the Camel Constabulary of British Somaliland commanded by Colonel Richard Corfield (reduced to 85 by the start of battle) and some 2750 well-armed Dervish followers of Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, nicknamed by the British as the Mad Mullah.

Olol Dinle

In 1915, Sultan Olol Dinle of Kelafo, Sultan Ali Yusuf Kenadid of Hobyo, and the Italian Somaliland government attempted to dislodge the Darwiish forces of Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, who had conquered territory near Beledweyne in their rapid advance southwards.

see also