The short film which was produced by Tilyard and Liz Tomkins features an animated sequence of new original artwork from James O'Barr as well as a cover of 'Dog Food', the Iggy Pop song referenced in the original graphic novel, from Mondo Generator and featuring Nick Oliveri and Dave Grohl, the track was created for the short film.
He has previously been a member of various bands, including Mondo Generator, Nebula, Buttsteak, Lee Harvey Keitel Band, Stress Magnets and Jade.
Van der Graaf Generator | generator | Mondo Generator | Van de Graaff generator | Generator | Electric generator | Mondo Topless | In questo mondo di ladri | Generator (Bad Religion album) | Engine-generator | electrostatic generator | Diesel generator | diesel generator | Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator | Big Generator | X-ray generator | Van der Graaf Generator (band) | Radio station motor–generator set, converting from low to the high voltage power supply. This device is called an ''umformer'' in German. Dübendorf | pseudorandom number generator | Piccolo mondo antico | motor-generator | Mondo Thingo | Mondo Kane | MojoWorld Generator | Mojoworld Generator | Miss Italia Nel Mondo | Marx generator | Maciste, l'uomo più forte del mondo (1961) | Maciste, l'uomo più forte del mondo | Il Mondo della luna |
While part of Mondo Generator, he wrote some songs for the album Dead Planet with Nick Oliveri.