His hiring follows the recent Moneyball trend of adding more advanced statistical-based analysis to the traditional use of qualitative scouting and basic statistics.
Telep had just finished reading Moneyball and was intrigued with the idea of bringing advanced statistics to basketball.
Szymborski is a member of Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) and is best known for contributions to BaseballPrimer.com, now known as Baseball Think Factory, after the site was featured by TIME in 2002 and 2003's Moneyball by Michael Lewis.
She was briefly married to author Michael Lewis, known for his bestselling books Liar's Poker, The New New Thing, The Blind Side, and Moneyball.
In 2004 he teamed up with Mychael Danna and has provided additional music and arrangements on Surf's Up, Fracture, Moneyball and the Oscar-winning, Life of Pi.
As a minor league affiliate of the Oakland A's at the time, the Visalia Oaks were mentioned twice during the 2011 movie Moneyball (which took place in 2002).