
5 unusual facts about Mongol elements in Western medieval art

Mongol elements in Western medieval art

The travels of Marco Polo to the Mongol Empire gave rise to opulent descriptions of the Mongol ruler Kublai Khan and his court.

These inscriptions often imitated the Mongol 'Phags-pa, probably discovered by the artists through Mongol paper money or paiza (travel passes) such as those Marco Polo was issued with during his travels.

This sort of textile is represented in the clothing of the angel Gabriel in the Annunciation by Simone Martini (1333).

jpg"?title=Ambrogio Lorenzetti">Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Martyrdom of the Franciscans (1285–1348) depicting the garb of a Mongol commander of a thousand (conical hat with the feather).

28: Chinese-style floral designs are visible in the mantles of Christ and Mary in Coronation of the Virgin by Paolo Veneziano (circa 1350).

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