CTDL was responsible for developing Microsoft JhengHei, the default traditional Chinese interface font for Windows Vista.
Modern Nastaʿlīq typography began with the invention of Noori Nastaleeq which was first created as a digital font in 1981 through the collaboration of Mirza Ahmad Jamil TI (as Calligrapher) and Monotype Imaging (formerly Monotype Corp & Monotype Typography).
Magnetic resonance imaging | Medical imaging | Functional magnetic resonance imaging | magnetic resonance imaging | Wilhelm Imaging Research | Volumetric Imaging and Processing of Integrated Radar | functional magnetic resonance imaging | Windows Imaging Component | The Imaging Science Journal | Steady-state free precession imaging | Remote imaging protocol | National Biomedical Imaging Archive | Monotype Imaging | Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis | Medical Imaging | medical imaging | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) | Document imaging | Centre for Development of Imaging Technology | Bioluminescence imaging | bioluminescence imaging |