Later, the famous German novelist and poet Erich Kästner repeatedly visited the valley, as did the former German chancellor Helmut Kohl.
On you travel by Rodund, the main center-valley electrohydric plant of the Vorarlberger Illwerke, through Gantschier and Kaltenbrunnen and on to Schruns and Tschagguns (in the local dialect: "Schru und Tschaggu").
Montafon |
In Montafon, streets are named after Arnold Durig: Hofrat-Durig-Weg in Schruns and Hofrat-Durig-Straße in the Latschau district of Tschagguns
The Montafon Railway (German: Montafonerbahn) is a privately owned railway company that operates services from Bregenz to Schruns, via Bludenz.
In the 1920s Ernest Hemingway was staying in the region for a winter (he lived at Schruns in Montafon, Austria).
In Austria, there are 14 Walser communities: Grosses Walsertal (Blons, Fontanella, Raggal, St. Gerold, Sonntag, Thüringerberg), Kleinwalsertal (Mittelberg, a practical enclave of Germany), Brandnertal (Brand), Montafon (Silbertal), Reintal (Laterns), Tannberg (Schröcken, Lech, Warth), all in Vorarlberg; and in Paznauntal (Galtür), in Tyrol.