Canary Islands | Faroe Islands | Solomon Islands | Channel Islands | Falkland Islands | Marshall Islands | South Shetland Islands | Hawaiian Islands | Pacific Islands | Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands | Aleutian Islands | Cook Islands | Balearic Islands | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Channel Islands of California | Andaman Islands | Ryukyu Islands | Galápagos Islands | Chatham Islands | Caroline Islands | U.S. Virgin Islands | Northern Mariana Islands | Virgin Islands | Lau Islands | Faroe Islands national football team | Åland Islands | Galapagos Islands | Bay of Islands | Kuril Islands |
Montalivet Street in Paris, a Montalivet Square in Valence, Montalivet Avenue in Caen, Comte de Montalivet Street in Sarreguemines and the Montalivet Islands in Western Australia, are all named after him.