Carol Herselle Krinsky, Synagogues of Europe; Architecture, History, Meaning; MIT 1985; revised edition, MIT Press, 1986; Dover reprint, 1996, p.
Sharman Kadish, Jewish Heritage in England: An Architectural Guide, English Heritage, 2006, pp.
synagogue | Moses Montefiore | Montefiore Medical Center | Synagogue | Montefiore | Great Synagogue of Rome | Simon Sebag Montefiore | Stockholm Synagogue | Sixth & I Historic Synagogue | New West End Synagogue | Luis de Torres Synagogue | Lincoln Square Synagogue | Hugh Sebag-Montefiore | Garnethill Synagogue | El Ghriba synagogue | Eldridge Street Synagogue | Anshe Emet Synagogue | Worms Synagogue | Touro Synagogue | Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue | Princes Road Synagogue | Neve Shalom Synagogue | Montefiore dell'Aso | Maharam's Synagogue | Magen David Synagogue (Brooklyn) | Magen David Synagogue | Lloyd Street Synagogue | Izaak Synagogue | Hugh Montefiore | Great Synagogue of London |