NASA Great Moonbuggy Race, a competition for pupils / young students to build and ride a foldable 3- to 4-wheel human powered vehicle for 2 riders, since 1994 in Huntsville, Alabama
Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), the rover vehicle of the NASA Apollo program in the 1970s
Julie - Moon Buggy, Canadian, Teenager, Female, Julie is young and impetuous and loves driving about the lunar landscape, in and out of the craters.
Moon | Sailor Moon | moon | From the Earth to the Moon | Keith Moon | Ban Ki-moon | Titan (moon) | From the Earth to the Moon (miniseries) | The Dark Side of the Moon | Transformers: Dark of the Moon | Sun Myung Moon | Half Moon Bay, California | William Least Heat-Moon | Moon River | Half Moon Bay | Emily of New Moon | Warren Moon | Ring Round the Moon | Moon Ska Records | Full Moon | Explorers on the Moon | Bitter Moon | Vincent Moon | The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress | Shine On, Harvest Moon | the Moon | Moon Records | Europa (moon) | Claire of the Moon | A Trip to the Moon |