
unusual facts about Moon Min-Kui

Moon Min-Kui

End of 2005 season, he was first contract player of newly formed Gyeongnam FC.

Fong Kui Lun

On 16 August 2012, YB Fong Kui Lin courageously apprehended a snatch thief attempting to escape in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur.


The major languages spoken in the region are Oriya or Odia (as substituted by the 96th amendment to Indian constitution), Telugu and Tribal languages like Soura and Kui.

Huang Feihu

He is eventually killed in a battle at Mianchi (澠池; present-day Mianchi County, Henan) against the Shang general Zhang Kui (張奎).

Ling Lun

An alternative text, the Lushi Chunqiu (Annals of Master Lu, third century BCE) credits another culture hero, Kui (who is somewhat confused with a one-legged mythical monster bearing the same name, Kui) with the invention of music.

Police Story 4: First Strike

Whilst working for the CIA, Chan Ka-kui (Jackie Chan) is assigned to follow leads of a nuclear smuggling case.

Siis, kui maailm magab veel

"Siis, kui maailm magab veel" (When the world is still sleeping) is a song from Terminaator's musical "Romeo & Julia".

Uido Truija

Eesti kirjandus kui pretensioon.vandenõu.com (Estonian Literature as pretension.conspiracy.com) – Looming nr 3 (2007), p 431-454.

see also