
unusual facts about Moonbase Alpha

Eagle Transporter

The Eagles are constructed by the engineering and technical section of Moonbase Alpha using materials and components either shipped from Earth or manufactured on the Moon.

Victor Bergman

Victor Bergman was in his late fifties and, after the Moon's breakaway from Earth, served as Moonbase Alpha's lead scientist, and as a close confidant and advisor to Commander John Koenig, with whom he had become acquainted in his university days.

see also

Tanya Alexander

Her departure from Moonbase Alpha was chronicled in the Powys Media novel, Space: 1999 The Forsaken by John Kenneth Muir (featuring a foreword by Prentis Hancock) in which the character reveals an unplanned pregnancy and fears that she will be have to have an abortion in light of the ban on new births on Alpha (i.e. Alpha Child, The Exiles); a small group of Alphans mutinies to settle with her on a habitable planet, led by Paul Morrow.