Wolfram Alpha can show results, and for some simpler expressions, also the intermediate steps of the integration.
It is capable of responding to particularly phrased natural-language fact-based questions such as "Where was Mary Robinson born?" or more complex questions such as "How old was Queen Elizabeth II in 1974?"
Alpha Phi Alpha | Sigma Alpha Epsilon | Kappa Alpha Psi | Alpha | Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia | Pi Kappa Alpha | Alpha Blondy | Piper Alpha | Alpha Delta Phi | Alpha Centauri | alpha | Sigma Alpha Mu | Kappa Alpha Theta | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 | Alpha Video | Alpha Kappa Alpha | Alpha Epsilon Pi | Sony Alpha | Kappa Alpha Society | Zeta Tau Alpha | Wolfram von Eschenbach | Sigma Alpha Iota | Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri | Lambda Chi Alpha | Kappa Alpha Order | Alpha TV | Alpha Group | Alpha Gamma Rho | Alpha Bank | Wolfram Research |
Based on Vlingo, S Voice enables the user to verbally control 20 functions such as playing a song, setting the alarm, or activating driving mode; it relies on Wolfram Alpha for online searches.
Formula: For use in programs like Mathematica or Wolfram Alpha.