Morar was also a favourite winter travel destination of the noted English composer, Sir Arnold Bax (1883–1953), during the 1930s.
The Battle of Morar was a Scottish clan battle fought in 1602, between the Clan MacDonald of Glengarry and the Clan Mackenzie.
He carried out a lot of the early earliest mapping of the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland, including the Lewisian of Coll and Tiree, the Mesozoic sediments and Tertiary lavas of Morvern and Ardnamurchan, and the Moine Schists of Ardnamurchan, Sunart and South Morar.
On April 6 (part of the 2009 Moldova civil unrest), Morar and other activists organized a protest in front of the Parliament of Moldova, in relation to the Moldovan parliamentary election, 2009.