
unusual facts about Morganucodon


Most of this comes from Glamorgan in Wales (Morganucodon watsoni), but fossils have also been found in the Yunnan Province in China (Morganucodon oehleri), in various parts of Europe and North America and some at least closely related animals (Megazostrodon) are known from exquisite fossils from South Africa.


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Butler & Hooker, (2005) maintain that 'haramiyids' are still stronger candidates for having given rise to the multituberculates than morganucodontids are: "As long as we only have teeth to of the critical taxa, we feel it necessary to adopt the Allotheria concept as a working hypothesis; no doubt the discovery of mammalian skeletal material in the Jurassic will throw new light on the problem", (p. 206).

see also