Following Jorgensen's retirement from the station in 1983, and Bosh's departure in 1984, her co-anchors would include Brad Holbrook and former CBS News reporter/anchor Morton Dean.
Dean Martin | Dean | James Dean | Howard Dean | dean | Dean (education) | Henry Morton Stanley | Forest of Dean | Morton Feldman | Dean (religion) | Dean Koontz | William Dean Howells | Dean Rusk | John Dean | Jimmy Dean | Elton Dean | Dean (Christianity) | Dean Cain | Dizzy Dean | Dean Smith | Hazell Dean | Dean Stockwell | Dean Kamen | Rural Dean | Dean Ornish | Dean of St Paul's | Morton | Dean Dillon | Samantha Morton | Letitia Dean |
The Morton Dean Joyce Collection of United States Revenue Stamps was sold at the Daniel F. Kelleher Company auction June 4 to 6, 1991 and by the auction house of Andrew Levitt, in Danbury, Connecticut, in six sessions from September 12 to 14.