In 1963, the studio released its first animated film, The Snowy Day, adapted from the 1962 Caldecott Medal book by Ezra Jack Keats, and the following year, it produced a documentary.
The Doughnuts (1963) was a 28-minute live-action comedy based on a chapter from Robert McCloskey's Homer Price (1943).
Born and raised in Orange, New Jersey, Schindel went to the University of Pennsylvania, earning a bachelor’s degree in 1939 from the Wharton School of Finance.
Henry Morton Stanley | Morton Feldman | Morton | Samantha Morton | Morton Smith | Thomas Morton | Morton Subotnick | Morton's The Steakhouse | Morton Salt | Greenock Morton F.C. | Thomas Morton (playwright) | Oliver P. Morton | Morton H. Smith | Morton Grove, Illinois | Marcus Morton | Levi P. Morton | Chet Morton | Tex Morton | Morton Halperin | Morton Grove | Morton Glacier | Morton Deyo | Morton DaCosta | Morton Beiser | Kate Morton | Julius Sterling Morton | John Morton | Colin Morton | William Morton Wheeler | William Morton Fullerton |