It also appears that he met only middling success as a lecturer and that for several years before his death, Moses Roper wandered through New England working at whatever he could find; he was working as a field hand on the farm of James T. Skillings in Franklin County, Maine near the town of Strong when "his strength gave out" in April 1891.
Moses | Moses Montefiore | Roper River | Robert Moses | Moses Austin | Moses Brown School | Moses Mendelssohn | Moses Ashley Curtis | Moses Taylor Pyne | Moses Mielziner | Moses Malone | Hugh Trevor-Roper | Grandma Moses | Franklin J. Moses, Jr. | Robert William Roper House | Moses Znaimer | Moses und Aron | Moses Lake | Moses Kiptanui | Moses Gomberg | Moses Asch | Joseph Moses Levy | Franklin J. Moses, Sr. | Viking Moses | Moses Taylor | Moses Pendleton | Moses Hazen | Jerry Moses | Charles Moses | Victor Moses |