The program currently accommodates children with everything from basic learning disabilities to Down's syndrome and various types of autism.
Moshe Dayan | Moshe Sharett | Moshe Safdie | Moshe Atzmon | Moshe Arens | Moshe Sneh | Moshe Mordechai Epstein | Moshe Machover | Moshe Gershuni | Moshe Zimmermann | Moshe Weinberg | Moshe Heinemann | Moshe Halbertal | Moshe Feiglin | Daniel Gottesman | Schaechter-Gottesman | Moshe Ya'alon | Moshe Shatzkes | Moshe Shapiro | Moshe Schnitzer | Moshe Menuhin | Moshe Matalon | Moshe Levi | Moshe Leib Rabinovich | Moshe Koppel | Moshe Ivgy | Moshe Hecht Band | Moshe Hammer | Moshe Gafni | Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies |