
unusual facts about Moslem


2011 Dearborn mosque bombing plot

On September 1, 1979, the Merced Sun-Star reported that Stockham, whom it described as a "32-year-old Moslem convert", had taken his then-9-year-old son Kane out of foster care and brought Kane and a gun on board his rented Cessna 150 in attempt to land at Los Angeles International Airport and hijack an airliner to take him to Iran.

Abul Kalam Shamsuddin

He also edited the weekly Moslem Jagat, The Musalman, the Daily Soltan, the weekly Mohammadi and Mashik Mohammadi.

Coworth House

One might add to this every member of the army regardless of rank the numerous independent merchants living in the three British Presidencies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay – and the whole array of native Indian rulers ranging from Moslem sultans and Hindu rajas, to hordes of freebooters scouring the villages.


In 1105 Baldwin accepted the surrender of Acre on a promise that the Moslem residents would be allowed to leave safely with their property, but Genoese sailors ignored the promise and murdered and robbed them.

Hitler's Grave

Daryush Shokof was missing for around 12 days which he said he was kidnapped by four Moslem fanatics who asked him not to show both his two recent films Iran Zendan and Hitler's Grave or else he would be dead.

Islamic military jurisprudence

And every one said: 'This expulsion (of the Romans) and victory of the Moslem is due to the wickedness of the emperor Heraclius and his persecution of the Orthodox through the patriarch Cyrus.

John of Valladolid

At Ávila, he assembled the Jews four times and discussed with them the tenets of Christianity before numerous Christian and Moslem audiences.

Land reform

In the Moslem world, land reforms such as that organized in Spain by al-Hurr in 718 have transferred property from Muslims to Christians, who were taxable by much higher rates.

Lawrence Schoonover

The son of Christian parents, handsome, stalwart Michael was impressed as a boy into the Turkish Emperor's elite Janissary corps, rigorously trained to become a brave, fanatical Moslem soldier.

Moslem League of the Western Province

The historian Okbazgi Yohannes claims that the split was caused intrigues of behalf of the British Military Administration, who was able to convince Muslim chiefs that the Moslem League leader Ibrahim Sultan Ali was an Italian agent.


Its inhabitants were predominantly Moslem, and similar in customs, economic conditions, and ethnic affiliations to its neighboring provinces of Hadiya and Arababni.

Stephen du Perche

Most of the Moslem staff of the palace and the eunuchs were involved in the plots and, on 15 December, Stephen promptly moved the court to Messina, to where he had implored his cousin Gilbert, Count of Gravina, to go with an army.

The Children's Encyclopædia

In May 1973 riots occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, India, in an area where Jamaat-e-Islami was gaining influence, sparked by the discovery that an illustration contained in The Book of Knowledge, which had been stored in a local library for decades, portrayed the Archangel Gabriel dictating portions of the Quran to the Moslem Prophet Muhammad.

see also