
7 unusual facts about Motorola 68040

Macintosh Quadra 610

However, that proved confusing, and the Centris 610 was renamed to Quadra 610 in October 1993, and the CPU was upgraded from a 20 MHz 68LC040 to a full 68040 at 25 MHz - although there was one configuration, the Quadra 610 8/160, that retained the 68LC040.

Macintosh Quadra 630

The Quadra 630 featured an 68040 processor, 4 MB of RAM, a 250 MB hard disk and a CD-ROM drive; the LC 630 was essentially identical, but had the FPU-less 68LC040 processor.

Macintosh Quadra 650

There are two versions of the Centris 650: One with 4 MiB of RAM soldered to the logic board and an FPU-less Motorola 68LC040 CPU, and one with 8 MiB of logic board RAM, a full Motorola 68040, and added an onboard AAUI port for Ethernet.

Macintosh Quadra 700

The Macintosh Quadra 700 was introduced along with the Quadra 900 in October 1991 as Apple's first computers to use the Motorola 68040 processor, as well as the first to feature built-in Ethernet networking as many Unix workstations did.

Macintosh Quadra 800

Debuting at half the price of the 950, the 800 featured the same Motorola 68040 33 MHz processor as the 950 but its additional interleaved RAM, as well as an enhanced video system and SCSI bus, enabled it to outperform the 950.

Macintosh Quadra 840AV

At the time of introduction, its 40 MHz Motorola 68040 CPU and interleaved RAM made it the fastest Macintosh available, topping both the nominally higher-end Quadra 950 and the Quadra 800 by 7 MHz.

Macintosh Quadra 950

Like its predecessors, it was based on Motorola's 68040 microprocessor rather than the 68LC040 (which lacked an on-board FPU).

Linotype-Hell DaVinci

DaVinci originally ran on proprietary "Power" workstations with dual 68040 or 88110 processors and several custom ASICs.

see also