Sites where B. bifarium specimens have been collected include: along the Douala to Bimbia road; Mfongu near Bagangu; Bana-Bateha near Fibé; Nkokom Massif near Ndom; Nyasoso on Mount Kupe; Kodmin in the Bakossi Mountains; and on Mount Cameroon.
Although the distribution of B. porphyrostachys is widespread; from Southern Nigeria (in Okuma, Sapoba and Usonigbe Forest Reserves, and in Calabar) to Cameroon (specifically on Mount Cameroon) and Congo-Brazzaville; it is found only sporadically, as either an epiphyte, or a lithophyte (on lava rock).
The massive steep-sided volcano of dominantly basaltic-to-trachybasaltic composition forms a volcanic horst constructed above a basement of Precambrian metamorphic rocks covered with Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments.
Xymalos is an Afromontane endemic, and can be found from 900–2700 meters elevation in the highlands of Eastern Africa from Sudan to South Africa, as well as on Mount Cameroon and Bioko in west-central Africa.
Cameroon | Mount Everest | Mount Vernon | Mount Kilimanjaro | Mount Pleasant | Mount Lebanon | Mount Athos | Mount Olympus | Temple Mount | Mount Fuji | Mount Rainier | Mount Celestia | Mount Shasta | Mount Kupe | Mount Hood | Mount Holyoke College | Mount St. Helens | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mount Sinai | Cameroon national football team | Mount Kenya | Mount Airy | Mount Vesuvius | Mount Rushmore | Mount Kosciuszko | Mount Carmel | Mount Barker | Mount Panorama Circuit | Mount Isa | Mount Desert Island |
In 1895 she returned to study cannibal tribes, travelled up the Ogooué River collecting specimens of previously undiscovered fish, and became the first European to climb Mount Cameroon.
The Field Museum, for example, has a male specimen which was found exhausted on August 2, 1933 on the slopes of Mount Cameroon above Buea, about 1000 m (3,500 ft) ASL, after foul weather had hit the Gulf of Guinea.
University of Buea or Université de Buea is located in Buea in South West Cameroon near Mount Cameroon.
The headquarters were then transferred to Buea, and then back to Douala in 1908 following the eruption of Mount Cameroon.